Friday, January 28, 2011


There are 2 things that bother/irritate me so much and they are......

1)The smell of cigarette smoke and when smokers don't give the courtesy in non smokers in moving further away from the door. The smell alone gives me a head ache! I hate it when I walk up to a door and smokers are less than 10 feet away. They are taking away my choice in breathing in somewhat clearer air than their second hand smoke they blow. How annoying!!! 

2) Public bathrooms and empty stalls. Why do people go into the stall RIGHT next to me when I know there are other empty stalls?? I know this is a little crazy/funny but I dont care. When I go in to the restroom and I can tell someone is already in there I try to go to another open stall other than the one right next to them. 

Why don't people have more courtesy these days?? Its not hard, or is it really? It seems like people are more selfish and its always about "me, me, me"  I think it's time people open their eyes and realize that there are more important things in life than and if they stop and actually care for someone else life becomes even more joyful.  
Well there is my rant/vent. I just don't understand the way some people think. Well have a great day! After all it is FRIDAY! :)

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